Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rylee at 17 months

At 17 months Rylee is getting into everything...literally. She still LOVES the shower so once it turns on she comes running at full speed and if I don't take her clothes off right away, she gets in anyway.

Her vocabulary is still limited with Mom, Dad, uh-oh, and Add (which I think is Abbie) but she is still getting her point across and we are figuring out her needs. She is extremely independent and wants to do everything herself. She climbs on everything from the kitchen counter to the changing table and so she can't be left alone for a second. If she's hungry she heads to the kitchen and brings you what she wants to eat from the pantry. There isn't really anything that she doesn't eat and her favorites seem to vary. One day she loves green beans and will eat a whole can and the next day she'll only eat one or two but will eat the entire container of cantaloupe. The one thing I found she doesn't like...peanuts.

I accidentally discovered that Rylee wasn't allergic to peanuts at Easter time. Abbie was given a Easter basket by our neighbors and it was filled with peanut candy so I was so busy getting it away from Abbie and sending her to wash her hands that I didn't notice Rylee swiping a peanut M&M out of the basket. After a few minutes she came to me and spit out the peanut after she had sucked off all the chocolate. I waited a few minutes too see if her breathing changed..nope. That was some good parenting!

Anyway, Rylee may not be speaking yet but her motor skills are amazing. She is much more coordinated and agile than Abbie was at this age. While Abbie was cautious and careful Rylee is daring and adventurous. Abbie would stick close enough to always see me, Rylee thinks it's fun to hide and be found. It's amazing how two kids can be so different.

The one thing both girls have in common...they both were still sleeping in between Jeremy and I at 17 months rather than in their own crib.

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