Monday, March 29, 2010

State BB

The remainder of Abbie's weekend we spent at the State BB tournament. Abbie has gotten to know many of the kids and players since she spends a lot of time in the training room with me. Abbie seems to read people well and is drawn to the teenagers who are nice to her and aren't afraid to play or hang out with a 4 year old. I am really lucky that many of the kids fall into that category and are REALLY good to Abbie. The weekend ended with a bang as the girls team finished 2nd and the boys clenched the state championship for the 2nd year in a row!
Congratulations boys! What a fun team to work with this year. This team was full of great kids with great goals and morals. Definitely my favorite team in the last 11 years of the training room!!

Abbie with her boyfriend, Payton.

Abbie with her favorite girls' BB player, Kate.

Abbie with the managers and trainers. Lacey, Stefanie, and Leslie went to Chuck E. Cheese with her and gave her all their tickets so she could "buy" many wonderful treasures.

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