Monday, March 29, 2010

Abbie's Weekend

Abbie is such a terrific big sister. She is so loving, caring, and giving to Rylee all while taking some real abuse from her baby sister. Rylee wants something that Abbie has so she'll start to scream and often Abbie will just give it to her to stop the crying. If Abbie won't give it to her then she will head butt Abbie or now she is starting to bite her to get her way. Meanwhile, Abbie never responds with a push or a shove and often not even a tattle to mom or dad. The opportunity to reward Abbie for her positive behavior arose when the Boys BB team qualified for the state tournament in March. Rylee wouldn't be able to sit through multiple games but I knew that Abbie would be able to not only sit through the games but enjoy it at the same time. Grandma Nate agreed to watch Rylee for the weekend so it could be "Abbie's Weekend." I traveled down to Billings with the team on Wednesday and Jeremy and Abbie joined me on Friday. Jeremy and I decided that when we weren't watching BB then we were going to make the weekend about Abbie.

Jeremy and Abbie arrived at lunch time on Friday so we took Abbie to Chuck E. Cheese. There was hardly anyone there so we ate pizza and were able to play lots of games. Abbie had a great time and loves to pick out prizes at the end for all of her tickets. We watched BB the rest of Friday and Abbie picked Applebees after the games Friday night. Saturday we did some swimming at the hotel and Abbie picked Chuck E. Cheese for lunch again. This time we took the managers and trainers with us and so they played games with Abbie and so she had TONS of tickets to pick prizes! What could be better than having more tickets than stuff you want in the case. The rest of the weekend was BB and swimming in the pool. It was such a fun weekend with Abbie and a great time to let her be the center of attention.

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