Monday, March 29, 2010

Mean Mommy--Transition to Bottle

It is amazing to me how different 2 children with the same genetics can be. It is also amazing how differently I can parent 2 children. When Abbie turned one (literally the day after her birthday) I took the bottle away and had her on sippy cups only. The transition was smooth because she had already been drinking out of a sippy cup and so she didn't miss her bottle at all. There was no crying, no screaming, and she would go right to sleep after some milk from her sippy cup. I also took Rylee's bottle away at her 1 year birthday and you would have thought I had taken away birthdays for the rest of her life. There was so much screaming, crying, and sippy cups flying through the air at bedtime when I gave her milk in a sippy cup that I gave in and gave the bottle back. I told myself that this wasn't a big deal and in a few weeks I would try again...for real this time. Well, weeks become months and finally I told myself that March was going to be the month, so March 1st I took the bottle away..for good. There was lots of screaming and crying still but I held strong and told myself that this was for her own good. It would be awkward for her to go to kindergarten still drinking from a bottle.

She didn't drink milk at bedtime at all. Instead she threw the cup at me and just cried, screamed really. I held strong and put her in her crib then to just go to bed. After several minutes of listening to her scream I finally opened the door to see this.....we don't need a bottle to sleep, we need a teddy bear!

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