Sunday, February 28, 2010

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday this year and instead of going out to a fancy dinner somewhere we had one of the most memorable Valentine's right in our own houses. Jeremy worked the night before and came home first thing in the morning with great big stuffed dogs for both girls. They loved them so much so each dog got great big hugs...

After big dog hugs and breakfast we headed to the grocery store to embark on a seafood adventure. We had decided why go out for a crab dinner when we could make it at home ourselves so we bellied right up to the counter and told the lady we wanted some of the big crab legs. The lady asked how many we wanted. Jeremy's response, "Let's start with 3 apiece." After stacking 6 crab legs up on the scale her response was, "That makes $74.39." Holy poop with that total that's where we'll end too. Then all I could think of was what if we wasted $74 worth of crab. But what do you do...seize the day or put it back. We seized the day! You only live once!

I was responsible for steaming the crab and making the salad, while Jeremy made the twice-baked potatoes. We dressed for dinner and sat down to try our attempt at a delicious dinner. And turned out amazing if I do say so myself!

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