Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sock Hop @ Holy Spirit

February's parent day in the classroom at Holy Spirit brought a Sock Hop. I wasn't able to attend the dance so Jeremy videoed them for me. The kids learned the Hokey Pokey, The Twist, YMCA, and the Chicken Dance. Each one was adorable and I included the cutest here. I also included the Zoophonics song that Abbie is learning to teach her phonic sounds for school next year.

Zoophonics Song

Chicken Dance

Hokey Pokey


Sharing a snack with her sister

1 comment:

  1. i bet there are times you teach your girls the can-can while you cook dinner (!)

    as always, these photos are entirely charming! beth and i just looked through the past months' worth, grinning the entire time.

