Sunday, February 21, 2010

Big Sky

Jeremy accompanied me to Big Sky again this year for the annual Sports Medicine conference. We always have such a wonderful time. Staying in an expensive hotel, relaxing in the hot tub, and taking in some skiing...who wouldn't have a wonderful time??? The conference itself is a great time too since it's filled with NCAA trainers and professional sport doctors/trainers who come to Big Sky to enjoy the skiing.

This year we decided to try something different. Instead of downhill skiing we decided to try cross-country skiing. We had no idea what to do and the resort offered little to no direction. It was only after 1 hour of skiing that we finally figured out the tracks on the left of the groomed trail were for us to actually ski in. That should have been our clue to know this wasn't going to turn out well.

We also each had a couple of good crashes while we tried to master our heels not being secured to the ski. Jeremy's crash was a great one. We started down the biggest incline we had encountered and I was leading the way. Jeremy, competitive by nature, decided to try to "race" me down the hill. He skied past me, tucked his poles, and leaned forward smiling as he passed me....and then crashed to the ground so fast he didn't even have time to stick out his arms as his chest hit first. As I tried to stop I couldn't stop laughing. This was so unlike Jeremy. With his athleticism he always does everything so well while I struggle to be halfway coordinated. He laughed right along with me mentioning he hit so hard that it knocked the snot right out of his nose. By evening Jeremy was super sore so it wasn't as funny more cross-country skiing.

This year we also tried a sleigh ride dinner. We had been reading the sign about it each time we visited Big Sky but never considered it. This year we had made friends with a few couples at the ATC conference. One couple had done the sleigh ride and told us it was one of the most romantic things they had ever done. That sealed the deal for me and Jeremy was good sport about it. It was a ton of fun. The sleigh ride was romantic, the dinner was delicious (even though it was prime rib we opted for the end pieces and the potatoes and veggies were unbelieveable), and the entertainment was amazing. The entertainment was a singer/story teller who has miles and miles of walking across the US as his storyline. We also sat at the table and met some fun people. It was a memorable week of new adventures.

This is the storyteller/singer

Nope not pregnant, just filled the front pocket with lots of clothes to stay warm.

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