Friday, January 1, 2010

Sledding Toward the New Year

Christmas break has been a whole conglomeration of Family Days (I'VE LOVED IT!!) where we do fun things together. New Years' Eve Day we decided to head to Hughesville to try out the new sledding hill Jeremy and I found on one of our rides with the four-wheeler. The new sledding hill was perfect!! It was a gentle hill with lots of wide open space and not a tree/stump in sight. Abbie enjoyed the hill so much she even went down herself a few times! Rylee gave sledding a try this trip too!

Jeremy buried Abbie in the snow and we looked for "gold" and found Abbie as the treasure.....

Do you ever wonder what they are thinking?

And this is on the way home after a long day of mountain air and fun...what a great way to leave 2009 and here is to the memories and fun times to be had in 2010!!!!

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