Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Eve

This year Christmas Eve was more fun than ever. Abbie was old enough and excited enough to enjoy presents and Santa and Jeremy didn't have to work. Rylee walked around and sat on large gifts...she wasn't really into pulling off the paper or seeing what was inside the big box, but it was fun to watch her awe of what was going on around her.

After we spent Christmas with my family we headed home to continue the Virts' family traditions of Santa preparations (feeding the reindeer, putting out cookies and milk) and reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" before we headed to nestle in our own beds.

Some pre-church photos before the girls can demolish hair bows and curls

Uncle Fredy has always been a gift-giving instigator. Both of my girls have received music sets from him including drums or tambourines. Here is Rylee's music set that she loves to bang on. Aren't we lucky?

This year Uncle Manfred can be categorized with Uncle Fredy as a giver of gifts that we wouldn't typically buy (not because we would deny our children the gift, just trying to preserve our sanity)..he bought Abbie a make-up kit. The make-up kit is a huge hit with Abbie and so far only her and I have been made up...she was told Rylee was off limits!!

Look out Rylee--it's make-up that your sister might put on you!

One of the gifts that I made for Jeremy this year was a photo book of 2009. I spent several hours trying to get it to rhyme (Abbie's idea). It turned out cheesy, but fun to look back on and remember how lucky we've been this past year.

I love you Grandma Nate!!

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