Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas Day started VERY early at our house. Jeremy had to work Christmas Day so we decided to get the girls up early to at least have Daddy home to see what Santa left for each of them. Let's just say that Abbie was less than excited to jump out of bed and run downstairs, however as soon as she saw what Santa had left behind she was more than ecstatic!

Here is what Santa's spread looked like as I waited for the girls to come down the stairs. Looks like the jolly man left a singing tractor for Rylee and a swimming Barbie and Holiday Barbie for Abbie.

Abbie seems to like what Santa left behind.......

and Rylee seems impressed too.

Grandma Nate also came over Christmas morning to share in some present opening. She gave Abbie two more dolls, Tianna (Princess and the Frog) and a baby Ariel doll (although Abbie refuses to call her Ariel , she has named her Rosetta and she goes everywhere with Abbie).

Christmas Day was so relaxing and enjoyable (except that Jeremy was working). After the girls opened Santa's presents and Grandma's presents they had several hours to just relax, play with their gifts, and we even took a nap. Usually I feel like we rush from place to place and there is no time to relax....this year was different!

After a delicious dinner late afternoon at Grandma Nate's we came home and opened family presents. It was really the girls 3rd Christmas. This allowed for more excitement for Abbie and she wasn't distracted by what she had already gotten, instead she was eager to see what else was for her.

What Barbie doesn't need a carriage/hot air balloon??

Who is having more fun with the air ball popper? Dad? Rylee?

Nope, not a mug shot. Rylee is a girl after my own heart. She brought me my camera and then stood in front of me waiting for me to snap her picture. Boy, she doesn't know what's coming....does she???

And at the end of the day we were able to sit back and watch both girls playing and enjoying each other and be reminded just how lucky we are.......I love my life!

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