Monday, December 21, 2009

Rylee's 1st Birthday

Where has the year gone??? I can't believe that Rylee has blessed us already for one whole year. This last year has been filled with many firsts and we have cherished each and every one!

Getting ready for the party....

A cake made special for our princess

Still only 2 teeth on the bottom. Dad says she looks like a hamster!

Uh, oh...the cell phone was one of her favorite gifts

Her first introduction to cupcakes.....Hmmm, smells good. I'll try it.

Tastes good!

All gone!

Dear Rylee,

It seems like just yesterday you entered the world as a healthy 6 lb. 14 oz. baby girl. I have treasured the last year with you and how you've grown and changed.

We brought you home from the hospital just 24 hours after you were born ready to share you with your big sister and introduce you to your new home. You were such an easy baby. You rarely cried and only if you were hungry or tired. You slept next to me on the couch, just like Abbie, for your first 3 months and then transitioned fairly flawlessly to the crib. I think it only took 2 nights of crying and then you were accustomed to your new sleeping arrangement.

Abbie absolutely adored you right from the start and always wanted to hug and kiss you, especially when I was nursing. As you got older she watched to make sure you were always safe and liked to hold your bottle for you as you ate. Abbie was the only one who could make you laugh really hard. She would make you laugh until you had the hiccups.

We introduced you to all sorts of new things this last year. We loaded you up to take part in some sledding when you were just a few weeks old and then packed you up in the camper for five weekends of summer play away from home. You didn't love the nights away from home, but we managed. It was during the summer we started to feed you popsicles, watermelon, strawberries, jello, and you loved it all. We knew that you were going to be a good eater, just like Abbie. There wasn't a whole lot you didn't like to eat...peas at first, but you even grew to like those.

You crawled and Abbie was excited that you were now doing more than just eating and sleeping. Now you were mobile and so you could be found in Abbie's room playing with her kitchen or emptying the pantry in the kitchen. You also LOVED the shower. We stopped giving baths when you could crawl and as soon as I turned on the shower I had to get your clothes off quick before you could climb right in yourself. It was about the time that you became mobile that you started to develop a real definite personality. You weren't afraid to let a high-pitched scream fly out of your mouth if you weren't getting your matter where we were. We've been known to shovel food in as fast as possible at a restaurant so we could leave to stop getting the evil stares from the patrons surrounding us. Let's just say you were clear about not having a need met and were good about communicating that to us. The challenge was to figure out what need was lacking so it could be met to stop the screaming.

Most recently you are eating only people food (sometimes you scream loudly if I try to feed you baby food as if I am insulting you) and drinking regular milk from a sippy cup. You took your first steps weeks before your first birthday and can still be found playing with Abbie's kitchen, dancing and swaying to music, climbing in the shower with your clothes on, or sitting inside the pantry or bathroom cupboards.

I have loved getting to know you this last year Rylee and look forward to watching you grow for years and years to come. God blessed me with two beautiful children and I am so lucky to be a part of your lives. Thank you!

I love you so much Ryleeroo-roo!


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