Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Party at GFFR

December 20, 2009 was the annual fire department Christmas party. Abbie took what Santa said this year to heart...she's reminded me twice about leaving the lights on and putting out cookies, just like Santa said before he handed out the presents. It has also helped this year to have Frigalee around to watch Abbie and Rylee and report to Santa nightly about whether they were naughty or nice during the day. (Frigalee is our new tradition for this year...he's our Elf on the Shelf). Abbie is conscious of Frigalee and what he might report so she has offered to set the table, help with the dishes, and cleans her plate nightly. Yea Frigalee!!!!!

Santa brought Abbie a trunk full of dress-up clothes. How did Santa know how much Abbie loves to play dress-up???

Just like the other Santa helper at the mall, Rylee is not interested in touching or sitting with the man in the red suit.

Rylee didn't care much for Santa's gift anyway. She liked walking up and down the hill in the station way better than any present.

Going up....

and Down!

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