Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Family Day Dress-Up on December 13, 2009

We spent Family Day listening to Abbie sing at church Sunday morning and then heading to the mall to fill Santa's ear with requests for Christmas. When I asked Abbie if she wanted to go see Santa her response was "No, I wrote him a letter." While indeed that was true I was sure she would want to tell him in person about how much she wanted a swimming Barbie (or at least recognize how much it meant to me to have her and Rylee take our annual Santa photo). Jeremy is constantly telling me the stuff I drag them to is more for me then them....I am starting to agree!

At any rate we ended up taking a family photo (good thing we were all dressed up for church) with Santa after a 1 hour wait and Rylee's dislike of the stranger with a fake beard. I thought after the morning we had we should do something the girls would really enjoy.....

Within the last year one of Abbie's favorite past times has become dressing up. We dress up only to change outfits moments later or reaccessorize. She loves it and even Rylee tolerates being dressed up.

We ended the day by mixing up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Do you think Rylee likes the chips?

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