Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pumpkin Carving 2012

One of our favorite Virts' family traditions is pumpkin carving and this year was no different.  This year the girls each picked a design from the book of pumpkin carving stencils.  (We used this book last year, but Jeremy just looked at the pictures and still carved free hand.  This year he used the stencils a little more to guide his template.)
Rylee chose the face of a goblin and Abbie chose the Grim Ripper.  That sounds like we really are good parents, right??!  Instead, let me explain that Rylee thought the face of the goblin just "looked silly" and Abbie thought the Grim Ripper was "a boy trick-or-treating."  Those seemed so warm and fuzzy that I decided to stick with those thoughts and choices rather than explain anything different about the carvings they wanted! 
This year Abbie cleaned the guts out of her own pumpkin.  That was a big deal for her!  She also was a big help separating the seeds out.  We baked those and ate most before the night was over!

Doesn't the trick-or-treating boy on Abbie's pumpkin look like he is having fun??

Another year with beautiful work of art pumpkins...thank goodness for Daddy!

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