Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pierced Ears

In the last few weeks the girls have been obsessed with earrings.  Grandma Nate had bought some stick-on types and then they tried some magnetic ones, but all of them continued to fall off and get lost.  On Thursday as the girls were getting ready for school and trying to get sticker earrings to stay on Jeremy said, "Why don't you just get your ears pierced?"  Abbie shrugs and says, "OK.  When?"  Jeremy's response, "Sunday."  I never imagined that she would follow through since we had tried the whole ear piercing experience before and backed out after we had picked out the earrings and were sitting in the chair.  Sunday morning, October 7, 2012, Abbie is wondering when we are going to head to the mall to get her ears pierced.  Sure enough!  We head to the mall, she picks out the earrings, climbs up in the chair, sets perfectly still, and barely teared up after they pierced them.

Doesn't she look even more girlie?

Aren't they cute little daisies??!

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