Saturday, April 23, 2011

Abbie's Family Birthday

Abbie chose El Comedor for her birthday dinner with the family. Not your average restaurant for a six-year-old but she loves the nachos so I am happy to take her wherever she wants to go. She attended the circus in the morning, got some antibiotics for an ear infections (yes, both ears) at about 2 and then we were able to sneak in a quick nap and she was feeling better by dinner. Yea!

Abbie's family

This year Abbie requested a homemade chocolate birthday cake, but she also requested Grandma Nate's homemade frosting, not mine! That's fair. Grandma Nate's is way better then Betty Crocker's! So, I baked the cake (from a box, of course) and Grandma frosted it! I agree with Abbie...this is my favorite too!

After all the hoop-la and present opening were finished I told Abbie to pick her two favorite presents and I would take a picture of her with them. The winners....the Tangled doll and the nail polish!

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