Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Break

We decided to spend some time together doing something fun over Easter Break. Unfortunately the weather wasn't very nice outside so we had to pick an indoor activity and so the four of us took in a couple of games of bowling.

Abbie bowls like my cousin Bill. She walks up to the line, stops, swings her arm 2 or 3 times and then launches it down the lane. It works pretty well for her and she may turn out to be quite a bowler...just like Bill.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

One of my very favorite Virts' family traditions is dying Easter eggs. The girls and I enjoy spending an afternoon or an evening dying eggs. This year I tried a few different types of dying kits. One Abbie really was Q-tips with color in the end that once you broke the color storage it ran down to the end of the Q-tip and you could paint with it like a brush on the egg. Abbie thought that was fun since now it was more like painting on the egg instead of just sticking the egg into a cup of color.

The other type of method was a egg spinner. This one was Rylee's favorite. She would tell me what color of dye to put into the spinner then she would push on the button on the top and it would spin the egg resulting in kind of a tie-dye egg. The faster the egg would spin, the more Rylee liked it. Is that a surprise to anyone?

And TA DA.......our 2011 finished product!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Abbie's Friend Birthday

This year Abbie wanted a swimming party with her friends and so we decided on the Peak. What a great experience! We spent the first hour in the pool....

Many people think that Jeremy doesn't show emotion....just turn him loose with the girls and he is full of laughs and giggles....

The Birthday Girl!

We ended up with 10 friends plus Rylee and Abbie. It seemed like a perfect number! I would also like to point out that it is all dad's in the pool...and me! Woo Hoo for mom putting on her swimsuit in front of everybody!

After the first hour we went into the activity center where the kids played and we ate cake and opened presents. The 2 hours flew by so quickly that I plan to have many more birthdays at the Peak!

This birthday party had a Tangled theme. It is Abbie's favorite movie right now, favorite toy, and favorite Barbie so it was a good fit!

Rylee especially like the cupcakes!

The party was filled with lots of fun, laughs, and tons of hugs...

Marrisa M., Dani S., Taylee V., Grant G., Abbie V., Olivia V., Jenna E.
Sarah F., Rylee V., Jazmyn G., Emily S., Norah A.

Dance Recital

Abbie finished another year of tap dance with Miss Denise and this recital was sure to be just as cute as years past. This year the theme was "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" (which will explain the reason for the Dorthy costume). I saw the dance and heard the song several times (so many times that Rylee was singing it as well) and so we were looking forward to seeing it on stage.

Nope, not a dance move...just a pose for the picture!

Not to be outdone, Rylee is starting to like to take pictures too so she posed with Abbie!

The recital was again another 2 minutes of amazing cuteness! Abbie got lots of flowers from her fan club.

The fan club....

her cousins

her grandmas

and us, of course.

Next year she tells me it is jazz and ballet! So instead of 2 minutes Jeremy can look forward to 4 minutes! Yea, he's looking forward to it already!

Abbie's Family Birthday

Abbie chose El Comedor for her birthday dinner with the family. Not your average restaurant for a six-year-old but she loves the nachos so I am happy to take her wherever she wants to go. She attended the circus in the morning, got some antibiotics for an ear infections (yes, both ears) at about 2 and then we were able to sneak in a quick nap and she was feeling better by dinner. Yea!

Abbie's family

This year Abbie requested a homemade chocolate birthday cake, but she also requested Grandma Nate's homemade frosting, not mine! That's fair. Grandma Nate's is way better then Betty Crocker's! So, I baked the cake (from a box, of course) and Grandma frosted it! I agree with Abbie...this is my favorite too!

After all the hoop-la and present opening were finished I told Abbie to pick her two favorite presents and I would take a picture of her with them. The winners....the Tangled doll and the nail polish!


Another year at the circus, one of Abbie's favorites. This year the circus fell on the day we were celebrating Abbie's birthday with the family. The day was meant to be so fun for her....the circus with her friend and cousins, dinner at her choice of restaurant followed by cake and presents at our house. Sounds perfect for a 6 year old, except during the circus her ear started to hurt so we needed to fit in a trip to see the doctor for an ear infection in the middle of all of the fun. My poor kid! She managed to take the pain like a trooper and finish out the circus and seemed to have fun the rest of the day.

Another year of elephant and pony rides for Abbie but this year was Rylee's first riding both. From the look on her face she seemed to enjoy both and seems like she will be joining in with Abbie on the yearly traditions.

Abbie was very worried about Rylee and made sure that she held onto her the whole time! What a good big sister!!

Jenna and Abbie

Aren't my nieces cute?

Abbie is already 6

Interview of Abbie Turning 6 (I recorded all of Abbie's answers on a video camera but the total interview was over 5 minutes and so when I tried to upload it here on the blog it wouldn't so instead I just decided to type the answers)

I asked Abbie some questions about current favorites and about turning 6 years old. I asked her the same questions twice, one for each video camera, and each set of answers were slightly different. Therefore, I asked the questions a few more times and decided to record the answer that I heard most frequently.

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Toy: Tangled Doll

Favorite Food: Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting Do you like anything healthy? Carrots and bell peppers with ranch, steamed broccolli and carrots, and salami

Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk

Favorite Restaurant: McDonalds

Favorite Movie: Tangled

Favorite Book: Biscuit because I can read it myself

Favorite Thing to Play Right Now: Teacher

What do you want to be when you grow up? Teacher, but not of body parts like mom just teach kids

This year you did all sorts of activities such as basketball, soccer, dance, swimming, and T Ball. Of those, which was your favorite? Soccer because my mom and dad are my coaches and Tball cuz my mom says I am really good at it.

You started school this year. Who is your teacher? Miss Thunstrom

What is your favorite thing about Miss Thunstrom? She is really really nice.

Do you like school? Yes

What is your favorite part of school? Recess

Who are your best friends? Norah, Jenna, and Emily

What is your favorite thing to do with mom? Go shopping

What is your favorite thing to do with dad? Ride in the red truck. Why do you like the red truck? Because I get to sit in the front with dad because there is only one seat.

What is your favorite thing to do with Rylee? Um, not much. She's mean and pulls my hair and pinches me all the time.

What did we do for your birthday? We took ice cream to my school on my birthday. We went to El Comedor for dinner for my 2nd (family) birthday. We went swimming and to the activity center at the Peak with my friends for my 3rd birthday.

What is the best part of being six? Almost up to mom's armpit.


I know that I say this every year, but this year was my favorite. Watching you mature as you entered school and started to become your own person was a highlight for me. I was so worried about school and how you would do and if you would like it. I am no longer worried...I have had to keep you home from school 3 times because of sickness and fevers and you cried every time. You don't like to miss school and I hope that continues every year. Your teacher uses a color system for discipline with green being great behavior, yellow next, then red and lastly blue. One day in October you were moved to yellow because you were talking when you should have working at your desk. You were so upset. When you got home from school you refused to take off your gloves and dad finally got you to take them off revealing the yellow sticker on your hand...according to dad you were very upset. When I talked to you about it, you were so upset that I didn't need to say more to you than what you had already done to yourself. I asked you if you cried at school when you had to turn your colors and your response was, "No, I just got really hot." You have been green ever since!

Not only is your behavior very good at school, so is your academics. You are reading almost all level 1 books on your own and your spelling pre-tests on Monday score 10/10 before learning and working on the words. I am so proud of you. You love to play teacher right now and are constantly making word cards for me to practice and see if I can do them in less than 1 minute, just like your teacher. You also want to be a teacher, which makes me so proud too!

This year you continued swimming, dance and soccer but added T ball and basketball to the mix. You seemd to like them both and did very well at learning the basics. Dad and I coached spring soccer this year and you told us you loved having us as coaches...we'll see if that continues later!

You continue to be such a tenderheart and so giving to your sister. Rylee continues to pinch and hit you and still when she wants something that you have you just give it to her and let her have her way. Thank you for being such a great sister. Rylee is lucky to have someone like you who takes such good care of her. You also are a huge help around the house. You help me fold laundry, clean up toys, take care of Sissy, and put dishes in the dishwasher.

This year has been my favorite yet. It makes me so sad to see you growing up, but yet so proud of you. I love you Abbie. Thanks for being you!



Independent 28 month old

I am disappointed in myself because I was doing so well posting pictures of Rylee monthly and then I just stopped taking pictures. I will apologize to Rylee later about dropping the ball on documenting her youth.

This picture was priceless. Rylee was brushing her teeth and usually uses the sink in her bathroom but today she went and got her stool from her bathroom and carried it into my bathroom but it still wasn't tall enough. Without any direction from me, she figured out how to spit in the sink on her own! Yea, for drawers!