Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rylee at 10 months

Ah, Rylee another month has passed. This month you truly are showing us your little personality.

This month Rylee has focused on communicating with us and letting us know when she is not happy. She screams this ear piercing high-pitched scream when she is not getting her way. We have avoided restaurants and public places this month since it is hard to avoid the looks from those that are less than impressed. Jeremy and I thought this scream was cute at first and sometimes the scream is even coupled with clenched fists. The teenage years might be tough if this doesn't pass...

This month Rylee is super cute waving bye-bye and showing us patty-cake. She is still clapping her hands by clapping on the back of one hand rather than the palms together. She loves Abbie's attention and will crawl to whatever room Abbie is in so that she can interact with her. She pulls herself up on our pantlegs when she wants attention and that face is hard to resist.

Rylee is still eating baby food and so this month I had Abbie feed her prunes and peas again. She made such a horrible face when we fed them to her in the past that I thought it would be a good "remember this" moment to have on video. So I have the video all set up to go and I tell Abbie to go ahead and feed her the peas. She takes a bite. No face. Another bite. Still no scrunched up face while shaking her head no. In fact, she seems to like the peas. Ok...well that's not a bad thing. I tell Abbie to go ahead and feed her the prunes. Video camera ready, here we go again. She takes a bite. Nothing. Another bite. What???!!! Now Rylee even likes prunes??? So although I didn't catch a funny face on video I am super happy that she likes all foods, especially her veggies.

Helping mom with the dishes

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