Friday, August 24, 2012

Abbie's Friend Birthday

My dear friend Melissa had told me about a fun birthday party that she had taken her daughter to at Pretty One Productions.  She told me it was "all girl" and that sounded perfect for what Abbie loves to do right now.  Abbie is really into dancing, singing, dressing up, and putting on shows for us; so this party was totally up her alley.  For Abbie's 7th Birthday Party, with her friends, we had a fantastic time at Pretty One Productions.

First, as the girls arrived they each colored and decorated their own princess crown.
The Birthday Princess

Next, the girls played some games. One of the games was a race where the girls each had a clothing item that they had to dress up one of the team members with. There were three teams and whomever dressed their team member completely, won. They played several rounds so everyone of the team could take turns being "dressed up." This is the point in the party that I just had to let go of my obsessive germ problem. All of the dress-up clothes came from a dress-up box owned by the company...I am sure the clothes are washed after each and every use (that is what I still tell myself).

Run Norah, Run!

Next was make-up--which really tested my germ phobia.  The girls all had their make-up done (which again was the companies and the girls all shared it, but the no one got pink eye the next day...Phew!)  The girls loved picking out their eye shadow colors and had a great time.  Watching them think the make-over was fantastic made me remember what was important!

What a beautiful color combination!  Really accents your eyes, Abbie!

Bring on the lipstick....

Doesn't Rylee look beautiful too??
After the girls were all made up and looking beautiful, they got to go upstairs and pick up a dress they wanted to model for all of the parents sitting around the bottom of the stage.  It was so much fun to watch some of their personalities come out.

Rylee chose such a cute fairy dress.  However she got shy and barely came out on stage.

What a beautiful group of princesses!

Back: Bree H., Norah A., Sarah F., Abbie, Logan R., Olivia V.
Front:  Jazmyn, Jenna E., Taylee V., Rylee, Emily S.

Lastly, the girls got their nails done and were totally gorgeous from head to toe.

Abbie didn't want a theme to this party, instead just today's favorite colors, blue and purple, were the center for her birthday ice cream cake.

"Happy Birthday to Abbie.  Happy Birthday to You."

My beautiful princesses after the birthday party!

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