Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rylee at 6 months

Time continues to fly as Rylee ages another month. This month she has really started to figure out where she wants to go and how to get there. She does lots of rolling and scooting backwards. This month she has also gotten up on her hands and knees and started rocking back and forth....she is going to start moving soon. She also sits up alone for short periods of time as long as someone is close to catch her before she teeters over.

She definitely recognizes those that spend the most time with her. She will cry if someone other than Abbie, Jeremy, Grandma Nate, or me gets in her face or tries to hold her. She still is a great baby and fusses only when she is hungry (who doesn't??!!)

Speaking of hungry...she likes to hold her own bottle now if she's hungry enough she's get a death grip on it to make sure you don't pull it out.

Rylee has made lots of transitions this month in eating. We have added many more foods in her diet other than cereal. She likes squash, carrots, sweet potatoes but absolutely does not like peas (makes lots of faces, shakes her head back and forth, and spits it out). We also tried out pudding pops that Abbie and Grandma Nate made....looks like she might like them!

I also did professional Sears pictures for both girls Rylee's 6 month birthday as well.

Abbie is 4 years 2 months and SUCH a GREAT big sister. I often wonder what kind of mother I would be to a second child if I didn't have such a huge helper around.

Sitting up on her own is still a little shaky but she'll do it

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