Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rylee at 5 months

I can't believe where time has gone. Rylee is already 5 months old and what a happy baby! She is so easy to please and she just laughs and smiles most of the day. We are so lucky!

Right now Rylee loves bath time and kicking her feet in the water. She rolls easily to the right and moves most of where she wants to go by kicking her feet and scooting upwards. Abbie is a huge help and will recognize Rylee is moving while she is laying in the bed and so Abbie will run and lay down next to her so she can't roll off. Abbie is such a good big sister.

Rylee likes to help hold her bottle and is eating cereal (and loving it---she gets so excited when she sees me get out the box of cereal and then will get fussy if I don't make it fast enough and will grab my hand and pull it towards her telling me to hurry up and get to shoveling). She recognizes people now and has a definite opinion about who holds her or takes her....she cries now if someone she doesn't know tries to hold her. Rylee is such a fun age right now, the only draw back...she still gets up 2 times per night.

Rylee's smile can bring a smile to anyone else's face too... Look at how her whole face lights up when she smiles.

We tried out the jumper one day while I was cooking in the kitchen...she thought it was okay,not great. She had a hard time actually jumping with the socks on the tile floor.

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