Monday, January 2, 2012

The Last Christmas of 2011

Our last celebration of Christmas was with Grandma and Grandpa Murphy.  We went over for lunch on the morning of the 29th.  I had spent so much time working on cleaning and painting the master bedroom and cleaning up from Christmas that this day was a nice just to relax and spend time enjoying the girls.

Grandma and Grandpa spoiled the girls this year with all sorts of gifts.  Abbie had asked for a remote control tarantula and Grandma actually found one.  Abbie was so excited to get it so between the rubber snake and spider she can scare all of us!  She also got some cute cowboy boots and a beautiful dress.

Rylee's gifts were definitely something my dad would have given her if he was here. I appreciate that my grandparents are trying to fill those shoes.  They gave Rylee cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, and a stick horse.  Rylee loves the cowboy boots the most and wants to wear them all the time...with her pants tucked in. (Grandpa Gary is cringing at those words). 

2011 was another great year for the Virts family.  We were blessed this year with fun, health, and many family outings.  The girls are at such amazing ages and are so fun to do things with right now.  I can only hope 2012 will bring a year as great as 2011!